Constructing geo-ontologies by reification of observation data


The semantic integration of heterogeneous, spatiotemporal information is a major challenge for achieving the vision of a multi-thematic and multi-perspective Digital Earth. The Semantic Web technology stack has been proposed to address the integration problem by knowledge representation languages and reasoning. However approaches such as the Web Ontology Languages (OWL) were developed with decidability in mind. They do not integrate well with established modeling paradigms in the geosciences that are dominated by numerical and geometric methods. Additionally, work on the Semantic Web is mostly feature-centric and a field-based view is difficult to integrate. A layer specifying the transition from observation data to classes and relations is missing. In this work we combine OWL with geometric and topological language constructs based on similarity spaces. Our approach provides three main benefits. First, class constructors can be built from a larger palette of mathematical operations based on vector algebra. Second, it affords the representation of prototype-based classes. Third, it facilitates the representation of classes derived from machine learning classifiers that utilize a multi-dimensional feature space. Instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach, our work allows one to derive contextualized OWL ontologies by reification of observation data.

In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems