
PhD Scholarship

The GeoKEA research group ( at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand is offering a fully-funded full-time 3 year PhD scholarship in geoinformatics. Particular topics of interest include analysis of unstructured geospatial data (such as text and images), geographic and historical information retrieval and exploratory search user interfaces (see e.g.,, spatial narrative systems, and artificial intelligence for geographic knowledge discovery. Enthusiastic candidates with interests related to these topics are encouraged to apply.

Gaze-Guided Narratives: Adapting Audio Guide Content to Gaze in Virtual and Real Environments

New article “Gaze-Guided Narratives: Adapting Audio Guide Content to Gaze in Virtual and Real Environments” has been accepted in CHI 2019. Link

Where to go and what to do: Extracting leisure activity potentials from Web data on urban space

New article “Where to go and what to do: Extracting leisure activity potentials from Web data on urban space” has been accepted in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Link

From spatial representation to processes, relational networks, and thematic roles in geographic information retrieval

New short paper “From spatial representation to processes, relational networks, and thematic roles in geographic information retrieval” has been accepted for presentation at the 12th Workshop on GIR. Link

A Critical Look at Cryptogovernance of the Real World: Challenges for Spatial Representation and Uncertainty on the Blockchain

New short paper “A Critical Look at Cryptogovernance of the Real World: Challenges for Spatial Representation and Uncertainty on the Blockchain” has been accepted for presentation at GIScience 2018. Link

Crowdsourcing the Character of a Place: Character-Level Convolutional Networks for Multilingual Geographic Text Classification

New paper “Crowdsourcing the Character of a Place: Character-Level Convolutional Networks for Multilingual Geographic Text Classification” has been accepted in Transactions in GIS. Link

Juxtaposing thematic regions derived from spatial and platial user-generated content

New paper “Juxtaposing thematic regions derived from spatial and platial user-generated content” has been accepted as a full paper in the COSIT 2017 proceedings. Link

SPHINx 2017 Workshop accepted @ COSIT 2017

Ben Adams will be co-organizing the SPHINx 2017 Workshop SPatial Humanities meets Spatial INformation Theory: Space, Place, and Time in Humanities Research, a pre-conference workshop at COSIT 2017.

Why good data analysts need to be critical synthesists

New paper “Why good data analysts need to be critical synthesists. Determining the role of semantics in data analysis” published in Future Generation Computer Systems. Link